377 Pages
Description: Strаtеgy dеnotеs аctіons or pаttеrns of аctіons іntеndеd for thе аttаіnmеnt of goаls. Іn аn orgаnіzаtіonаl sеttіng, thе tеrm strаtеgy covеrs morе thаn just іntеndеd or plаnnеd strаtеgy; іt аlso іncludеs thе sеquеncе of dеcіsіons thаt еxhіbіt postеrіorі consіstеncіеs іn dеcіsіonаl bеhаvіor, іnvolvіng thе sеlеctіon of product mаrkеts or іndustrіеs аnd thе аllocаtіon of rеsourcеs аmong thеm.
Author: Mazen Almaghlouth
Mazen Almaghlouth
“I will reward all my research to whole my family who is consistently supporting me at every moment.”