213 Pages – Psychology & Research | Science |
23 March, 2017


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Description: This book covers the research conducted by Mahmoud Sadeghi on treating schizoaffective disorder. The clinical study covers all aspects of the treatment of the case, from the patient’s history, diagnosis, and symptoms, to the various theories that help in understanding the patient and reducing negative symptoms. The research is divided into three phases; the beginning phase where the patient is diagnosed and symptoms are discussed, the middle phase where treatment and the adaption to treatment is encouraged, and the ending phase where negative symptoms are reduced and coping skills are developed.

Author: Mahmoud Sadeghi

 Comments & Discussion

Mahmoud Sadeghi comments:
“I would like to pay my whole hearted gratitude to my graduate advisor, Dr. Madeline Taylor for her unlimited guidance, patience, and support throughout the preparation of this manuscript.

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